Corona Virus
Do you know what is corona virus? Do you know about it?
Corona virus is a potentially dangerous virus that can kill a human. Simply put it’s the world’s most deadly virus.
Actually, it is not a disease. It is a communicable virus i.e. it can spread by two people in contact. It can’t spread by mosquitoes nor flies neither it can be spread by air. It can be spread within 1 meter. Scientist are unable to find out its treatment. They are trying but not becoming successful. At the very beginning of this virus when it was not spread much it was said that it happened because of bat soup. It was first found in China (Wuhan city), and is now distributed throughout the world.
It consists of 5 forms. COVID-2019 is the most dangerous. The best practice is to wash your hands as soon as possible after touching things, and not to touch your mouth and nose. Stay home and get yourself sanitized. In many other countries prime ministers are distributing money and food. Our Indian prime minister has asked us to follow ‘Janta Curfew’ and keep the social gap.
India is intricately locked-down until April 15, before further notice from the government. This stops all flights, trains, buses and public transports. Then the chain of contact breaks and people are no longer tainted. We have insufficient medical services in the larger population countries.
I ask all of you to stay at home and keep social distance.

Alinah Khan
I am a student of Class VII.